What is the IPA?
It is a testament of good will and a gesture in recognition of accomplishment above and beyond the realm of excellence. It is perceived as a magical award.
Every year the day after Thanksgiving the IPA will broadcast at 9:00 PM New York Time from the FNP Internet location the winners from a list of finalists. The location is: fridaynightprogressive.com
The main categories are Composition, Instrumental, Vocal, Fusion and Original. However additional categories may be added from time to time if needed.
The event starts in July with the nominees being selected by the artists themselves with their selection of song and category. All nominees are selected from the prior year album release date.
Early September the list is usually finalized, starting with the host playing the nominees on the FNP program in Aug..
The judges then decide on a formula for which works and is fair. This formula helps them to decide the advancement of the artists / bands to the next tear selection. The IPA has winners in first, second and third place.
Every artist that is played on FNP is recognized as special that contributes to a genre which is well respected. The IPA was designed to spice things up for the progressive community throughout the world. If you were played on FNP and nominated that alone should be enough to win. It is important to bring these artists out in the forefront and the IPA certainly accomplishes that goal.
1. The artist or band must select a song from the prior year album release date.
Example: To be nominated in the 2023 IPA your song or album needs to have been released in 2022.
2. The artist or band must choose a category: Composition, Instrumental, Vocal, Fusion or Original
3. Here is how it should look in the email: Artist: Joe Ringer – Song: Applegate – Album: Tight – Category: Vocal
4. Send all entries no later then JUNE 30th 2023 to: The King Of Prog ( Ron Marquiss ) at:
The IPA 2022 Show reached # 1 in the mixcloud Progressive Rock listing:
2022 IPA Winners
1st. Dikajee SONG: Lily of the Valley
2nd. Amanda Lehmann SONG: Tinkerbell
3rd. Nine Skies SONG: Porcelain Hill
1st. Octarine Sky SONG: “5”
2nd. Drive-In Movie Band SONG: Sorry We’re Closed
3rd. Jeffrey Erik Mack SONG: Sailing the Cosmic Ocean
1st. Temple of Switches SONG: The Unfurling
2nd. Manna Mirage SONG: 4 Steps Back
3rd. GorMusik Song: The Lost
1st. Dotyk Krylo SONG: Growing Up
2nd. Isobar SONG: Short Story Long
3rd. Quicksilver Night SONG: The Galactic Edge
1st. Karmamoi SONG: Zealous Man
2nd. PsychoYogi SONG: A Dangerous Path
3rd. Wounaan Tribe SONG: This Is My Path
and Tony Romero SONG: Mellowship